Notice on Salary Increase of Private Sector Employees - Employment Ministry

Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment

Notice on Salary Increase of Private Sector Employees

Increase in Minimum Basic Salary to Rs.21,000.00 for Private Sector Employees

Full Details
* English - Click_Here
* Sinhala - Click_Here
* Tamil - Click_Here

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Also View
Notice on Salary Increase of Private Sector Employees (2024.09.17) Click_Here
Notice on Salary Increase of Private Sector Employees (2024.09.12) Click_Here
* Notice on Salary Increase of Government Employees (2024.09.11) - Click_Here
* Notice on Salary Increase of Government Employees (2024.09.03) - Click_Here
* Notice on Salary Increase of Government Employees (2024.08.24) - Click_Here